We value all of our customers and appreciate feedback on their recent experiences with the team at 247 Aviation.  Here is the latest case study of the inspiring 247 Aviation Medical and Flight Crew on some of their latest missions.


” 247 Aviation has been busy in Europe and across the North Atlantic. In the past few weeks, our fleet of aircraft have hardly been at home base in Belfast. In addition to our routine and busy organ transplant transport service, our intensive care flight medical teams have flown to West Africa in the south, Iceland in the north, Cyprus in the east, and many places in between. We’ve become frequent visitors to the Canary Islands and yet we’ve also undertaken many shorter hops in the UK and near continent.  

We’ve safely transported some very complex Level 3 (critical care) patients as well as conducted wing-to-wing flights with partner air ambulance operators for patients undertaking very long journeys, including one patient from the Falkland Islands. 

An HCID (highly contagious infectious disease) patient being transported to a European specialist facility presented us with some unique challenges, but all went extremely well, and our nurses, doctors, pilots, and all those who support us back at base, are still smiling and eager to see what’s to come.”